- Statistical Field Estimators for
Multiscale Simulations,
Jacob Eapen, Ju Li and Sidney Yip, Physical Review E 72
(2005) 056712.
- Controlling Bending and Twisting of
Conjugated Polymers via Solitons,
Xi Lin, Ju Li and Sidney Yip, Physical Review Letters
95 (2005) 198303.
News (more):
- Nanomechanics of Crack Front
Ting Zhu, Ju Li and Sidney Yip, Journal of Applied Mechanics
72 (2005) 932.
- Ab initio study of the surface
properties and ideal strength of (100) silicon thin films,
Yoshitaka Umeno, Akihiro Kushima, Takayuki Kitamura, Peter Gumbsch and
Ju Li, Physical Review B 72 (2005) 165431.
- Theoretical strength of 2D
hexagonal crystals: application to bubble raft indentation,
Sergey V. Dmitriev, Ju Li, Nobuhiro Yoshikawa and Yoji Shibutani,
Philosophical Magazine 85 (2005) 2177-2195.
- Energy landscape of deformation
twinning in bcc and fcc metals,
Shigenobu Ogata, Ju Li and Sidney Yip,
Physical Review B 71 (2005) 224102.
- Stress-dependent molecular pathways of
silica-water reaction,
Ting Zhu, Ju Li, Xi Lin and Sidney Yip, Journal of the Mechanics
and Physics of Solids 53 (2005) 1597-1623.
- Spectrin-level modeling of the
cytoskeleton and optical tweezers stretching of the
Ju Li, Ming Dao, Chwee Teck Lim and Subra Suresh,
Biophysical Journal 88 (2005) 3707-3719.
- Polaron-Induced Conformation Change in
Single Polypyrrole Chain: An Intrinsic Actuation Mechanism,
Xi Lin, Ju Li, Elisabeth Smela and Sidney Yip, International
Journal of Quantum Chemistry 102 (2005) 980-985.
- Near-surface lattice instability
in 2D fiber and half-space,
Sergey V. Dmitriev, Takayuki Kitamura, Ju Li, Yoshitaka Umeno,
Kisaragi Yashiro and Nobuhiro Yoshikawa,
Acta Materialia 53 (2005) 1215-1224.
- Atomistic visualization,
J. Li, Chap. 2.31 in Handbook of Materials Modeling, ed. S. Yip
(Springer, Dordrecht, 2005), pp. 1051-1068. ISBN: 1402032870. Mistake
free version at http://alum.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/www/liju99/Papers/05/Li05-2.31.pdf
- Atomistic calculation of mechanical
J. Li, Chap. 2.19 in Handbook of Materials Modeling, ed. S. Yip
(Springer, Dordrecht, 2005), pp. 773-792. ISBN: 1402032870. Mistake
free version at http://alum.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/www/liju99/Papers/05/Li05-2.19.pdf
- Basic molecular dynamics,
J. Li, Chap. 2.8 in Handbook of Materials Modeling, ed. S. Yip
(Springer, Dordrecht, 2005), pp. 565-588. ISBN: 1402032870. Mistake
free version at http://alum.mit.edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/www/liju99/Papers/05/Li05-2.8.pdf
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