- Real-time, high-resolution study of
nanocrystallization and fatigue cracking in a cyclically strained
metallic glass,
Cheng-Cai Wang, Yun-Wei Mao, Zhi-Wei Shan, Ming Dao, Ju Li, Jun Sun,
Evan Ma and Subra Suresh,
PNAS 110 (2013) 19725-19730.
- Nanovoid Formation and
Annihilation in Gallium Nanodroplets under Lithiation-Delithiation
Wentao Liang, Liang Hong, Hui Yang, FeiFei Fan, Yang Liu, Hong Li, Ju
Li, Jian Yu Huang, Long-Qing Chen, Ting Zhu and Sulin Zhang, Nano
Letters 13 (2013) 5212-5217.
- Probing the Failure Mechanism of
SnO2 Nanowires for Sodium-Ion Batteries,
Meng Gu, Akihiro Kushima, Yuyan Shao, Ji-Guang Zhang, Jun Liu, Nigel
D. Browning, Ju Li and Chongmin Wang, Nano Letters 13
(2013) 5203-5211.
- Origin of Size Dependency in
Coherent-Twin-Propagation-Mediated Tensile Deformation of Noble Metal
Jong-Hyun Seo, Harold S. Park, Youngdong Yoo, Tae-Yeon Seong, Ju Li,
Jae-Pyoung Ahn, Bongsoo Kim and In-Suk Choi, Nano Letters
13 (2013) 5112-5116.
- In Situ Atomic-Scale Imaging of
Phase Boundary Migration in FePO4 Microparticles During
Electrochemical Lithiation,
Yujie Zhu, Jiang Wei Wang, Yang Liu, Xiaohua Liu, Akihiro Kushima,
Yihang Liu, Yunhua Xu, Scott X. Mao, Ju Li, Chunsheng Wang and Jian Yu
Huang, Advanced Materials 25 (2013) 5461-5466.
- Reducing deformation anisotropy to
achieve ultrahigh strength and ductility in Mg at the
Qian Yu, Liang Qi, Raja K. Mishra, Ju Li and Andrew M. Minor,
PNAS 110 (2013) 13289-13293.
Materials Science: Making Mg
Magnificent, Science 341 (2013) 1045, Editors'
- Study of architectural responses of
3D periodic cellular materials,
Yigil Cho, Tae-Hong Ahn, Hoon-Hwe Cho, Joong-Ho Shin,
Jun Hyuk Moon, Shu Yang, In-Suk Choi, Heung Nam Han and
Ju Li,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
21 (2013) 065018.
- Visualizing size-dependent deformation
mechanism transition in Sn,
Lin Tian, Ju Li, Jun Sun, Evan Ma and Zhi-Wei Shan,
Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 2113.
- Nanowire liquid pumps,
Jian Yu Huang, Yu-Chieh Lo, Jun Jie Niu, Akihiro Kushima, Xiaofeng
Qian, Li Zhong, Scott X. Mao and Ju Li,
Nature Nanotechnology 8 (2013) 277-281
fluid flow at nanometer scales by David L. Chandler, MIT News
- A Transforming Metal Nanocomposite
with Large Elastic Strain, Low Modulus, and High Strength,
Shijie Hao, Lishan Cui, Daqiang Jiang, Xiaodong Han, Yang Ren, Jiang
Jiang, Yinong Liu, Zhenyang Liu, Shengcheng Mao, Yandong Wang, Yan Li,
Xiaobing Ren, Xiangdong Ding, Shan Wang, Cun Yu, Xiaobin Shi, Minshu
Du, Feng Yang, Yanjun Zheng, Ze Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Dennis E. Brown
and Ju Li, Science 339 (2013) 1191-1194.
Exceptional Properties by Design
Min Zhou, Science
339 (2013) 1161-1162.
Chinese website | PDF
- Stress generation during lithiation
of high-capacity electrode particles in lithium ion batteries,
Shan Huang, Feifei Fan, Ju Li, Sulin Zhang and Ting Zhu,
Acta Materialia 61 (2013) 4354-4364
- Shear responses of [110]-tilt
{115}/{111} asymmetric tilt grain boundaries in fcc metals by
atomistic simulations,
Liang Wan and Ju Li,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
21 (2013) 055013.
- Competition of shape and
interaction patchiness for self-assembling nanoplates,
Xingchen Ye, Jun Chen, Michael Engel, Jaime A. Millan, Wenbin Li,
Liang Qi, Guozhong Xing, Joshua E. Collins, Cherie R. Kagan, Ju Li,
Sharon C. Glotzer and Christopher B. Murray,
Nature Chemistry 5 (2013) 466-473.
- Conjugate Channeling Effect in
Dislocation Core Diffusion: Carbon Transport in Dislocated BCC
Akio Ishii, Ju Li and Shigenobu Ogata, PLoS ONE 8 (2013)
- Heterogeneously randomized STZ model
of metallic glasses: Softening and extreme value statistics during
Pengyang Zhao, Ju Li and Yunzhi Wang,
International Journal of Plasticity 40 (2013)
- Engineering Catalytic Contacts and
Thermal Stability: Gold/Iron Oxide Binary Nanocrystal Superlattices
for CO Oxidation,
Yijin Kang, Xingchen Ye, Jun Chen, Liang Qi, Rosa E. Diaz, Vicky
Doan-Nguyen, Guozhong Xing, Cherie R. Kagan, Ju Li, Raymond J. Gorte,
Eric A. Stach and Christopher B. Murray, Journal of the American
Chemical Society 135 (2013) 1499-1505.
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